Friday, May 10, 2024

The Derma Co Hyaluronic Sunscreen Aqua Ultra Light Gel With Spf 50 Pa++++ For Broad Spectrum, UV A, UV B & Blue Light Protection For Oily Skin


About this item

PROVIDES BROAD SPECTRUM PROTECTION (PA++++): The PA grading system in sunscreens indicates the level of protection from the UVA rays. So, the presence of more than three ‘+’ signs signifies that sunscreen provides the best protection against UVA rays. Our SPF 50 1% Hyaluronic Sunscreen Aqua Gel with PA++++ formulated with the effective combination of Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin E protects from sun damage, while also reducing fine lines, wrinkles and making your skin soft and supple.

PROTECTS AGAINST BLUE LIGHT: Blue light, a type of high-energy visible light is emitted by several electronic devices. The blue light from these devices not only disrupts our sleep cycle but also damages our skin significantly. This is why we bring to you 1% Hyaluronic Sunscreen Aqua Gel with Vitamin E that not only protects your skin from the sun but also screens. Here’s your skin’s new BFF for healthy and damage-free.

NON-GREASY & FRAGRANCE-FREE: Say goodbye to the greasy and oily finish of typical sunscreens. The Derma Co. 1% Hyaluronic Sunscreen Aqua Gel is fragrance-free and doesn’t clog your pores. The presence of 1% concentration of Hyaluronic Acid in this sunscreen makes it quick to absorb and provides intense hydration to the skin. Extremely lightweight in nature, the sunscreen dissolves like water, hence the name ‘Aqua Gel’.

SAFE & EFFECTIVE FORMULATION: Free from toxins, fragrance, this sunscreen with PA++++ has a safe & effective formulation that offers a visible difference in 3-6 weeks.

WHO IS IT SUITABLE FOR? Those looking for a non-greasy, fragrance-free broad spectrum protection against UV rays and blue light. Anyone with normal, oily, acne-prone or blemish-prone skin can use this sunscreen.

This product is protected by Transparency, which verifies a unit’s authenticity and enables you to view rich information about the product you purchased. When you receive your product, please look for the Transparency logo and code. You can scan it to verify its authenticity with the Transparency app. To download the Transparency app, get it on the App Store

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Dot & Key Ceramides Moisturizer For Dry Skin, Normal Skin

Dot & Key Ceramides Moisturizer with Hyaluronic for Intense Moisturizing and Skin Strengthening | With Probiotic & Rice Water I Barrier Repair Cream | For Dry Skin, Normal Skin,

About this item

Ceramides & Hyaluronic Hydrating Face Cream - Daily intense face moisturising cream for nourished, soft & healthy skin.

STRENGTHENS SKIN'S BARRIER FUNCTION: With 5 essential ceramides helps to protect skin & accelerate skin barrier repair

BALANCES SKIN'S MICROBIOME LEVEL: Improves skin resilience with probiotics.

SMOOTHENS ROUGH, UNEVEN SKIN TEXTURE: Smooth, creamy & non-comedogenic formula for dry to very dry skin.

PROVIDES DEEP HYDRATION FOR LONG HOURS: Deeply hydrates skin with hyaluronic acid to heal dry skin, distressed skin.

Japanese Rice Water soothes inflammation,


-Dot the cream on clean face & neck -Massage gently in an upward motion -Follow it up with a sunscreen -Use twice daily for AM & PM routine.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Khaman Dhokla Recipe | Dhokla Recipe in Hindi

आज मैं आपके साथ साझा करने जा रहा हूं। स्वादिष्ट, नरम और स्पंजी ढोकला रेसिपी।

ढोलकला गुजरात राज्य का एक लोकप्रिय भारतीय नाश्ता है। यह एक मसाला से बना हुआ स्वादिष्ट केक है |खमन और ढोलकला के बीच उनकी रेसिपी और उन्हें बनाने के तरीके में बताया गया है। एक साधारण ढोलकला किनवित पिसीहुई दालों और चावल के नासा का उपयोग करके बनाया जाता है। वहीं खमन ढोलकला बेसन से बनाया जाता है।

खमन और ढोलकला के बीच उनकी रेसिपी और उन्हें बनाने के तरीके मौजूद हैं। ढोकला न केवल स्वादिष्ट है बल्कि एक स्वस्थ विकल्प भी है क्योंकि इसमें कैलोरी कम और प्रोटीन भरपूर होता है।

ढोकला मेरा पसंदीदा है. मुझे इसे हर समय खाना पसंद है और मुझे अपने घर पर ढोकला बनाना बहुत पसंद है। ढोकला बनाना बहुत आसान है. मुझे इसे बाहर से खरीदना पसंद नहीं है. ढोकला बनाने की यह बहुत ही आसान और सरल रेसिपी है, 

* सामग्री 

1) 2 कप बेसन

 2) 1 चम्मच हल्दी 

3) 1 चम्मच नींबू का रस 

4) 1 चम्मच नमक 

5) 1 चम्मच बेकिंग सोडा या ईनो

 6) 1 चम्मच तेल 

* तलने के लिए सामग्री 

1) 1 2 छोटी चम्मच राई

 2) 5/6 करी पत्ता 

3) 3/4 कटी हुई हरी मिर्च 

4) 5 चम्मच चीनी 

5) 5 चम्मच तेल

 6) 1/2 कप पानी 

7) गार्निश के लिए हरा धनिया 

* तरीका

एक कटोरे में बेसन लीजिए. - इसे बाहर निकालें और इसमें 1/2 कप पानी डालकर अच्छी तरह मिला लें.

इसके बाद, बेकिंग सोडा और तेल डालकर अच्छी तरह मिलाएं और बैटर को कुछ घंटों के लिए किण्वित होने दें

जब तक ढोकला बैटर चिकना न हो जाए और गुठलियां न टूट जाएं. फिर इसे 10 मिनट के लिए अलग रख दें. 

10 मिनट बाद एक स्टीमर में पानी गर्म करें, फिर एक ढोकला बैटर लें और उसमें बेकिंग सोडा या ईनो डालें, अब इसे अच्छे से मिला लें. 

एक बार किण्वित हो जाने पर,  घोल को तुरंत एक चिकनी प्लेट में डालें, ढक दें और 15-20 मिनट तक भाप में पकाएँ। 

15 मिनिट बाद ढक्कन हटा कर प्लेट में निकाल लीजिये और ढोकला को छोटे छोटे आकार में काट लीजिये.

- अब एक पैन में तेल गर्म करें, फिर उसमें राई, करी पत्ता, हरी मिर्च डालें और करीब 1 मिनट तक चलाएं. 

फिर थोड़ा पानी डालें और चीनी डालें, अच्छी तरह मिलाएँ। - फिर इसे ढोकले में डालें. 

धनिये की पत्तियों से सजाइये. नरम और स्पंजी ढोकला खाने के लिए तैयार है.

ढोकला का आनंद नाश्ते के रूप में या हल्के भोजन के रूप में लिया जा सकता है। यह न केवल बनाने में आसान है बल्कि एक बहुमुखी व्यंजन भी है जिसे आपकी स्वाद वरीयताओं के अनुरूप बनाया जा सकता है। चाहे आपको तीखा, तीखा, या हल्का पसंद हो, ढोकला को मसालों और टॉपिंग को समायोजित करके अनुकूलित किया जा सकता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, शाकाहारी या ग्लूटेन-मुक्त आहार का पालन करने वालों के लिए ढोकला एक बढ़िया विकल्प है। इसकी हल्की और फूली हुई बनावट, तड़के के स्वाद के साथ मिलकर इसे कई लोगों के बीच पसंदीदा बनाती है। तो, अगली बार जब आप एक स्वस्थ और स्वादिष्ट स्नैक विकल्प की तलाश में हों, तो घर पर कुछ स्वादिष्ट ढोकला बनाने पर विचार करें!


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Salad for weight loss and Salad Recipes


Today I am going to share with you  a salad recipe for weight loss, healthy salad recipes vegetarian

exercises, yoga and physical activities it is very important to have a proper diet chart for your body so that you lose weight without harming your body or starving. In this diet chart it is very important to include salad intakes. 

Given below is some mouth smacking salad recipes that will kill your hunger and help your diet as well. Use the correct ingredients While you are making your salad try to use the correct ingredients which cuts out your fat but gives a fuller stomach.

So you need to use the oil which is helpful for your diet. Always use olive oil in your salad recipe because it is rich in Vitamin A and carotenoids. It contains unsaturated fatty acid which means fewer calories. Also use some vinegar, because vinegar works amazingly in breaking down the sugar in your body.

Take lot of veggies in your salad Green veggies like cabbage, lettuce, spinach leaves, cucumber etc. are all rich in fibres and have to be a part of the salad recipes that you make. 

These rich fibre contains provide good metabolism as a result the fats or carbohydrates are broken down easily and hence they do not get deposited in out body. 

Green vegetables are big source for a weight loss. Add proteins and vitamins in your salad recipe Cut down the calories but intake proteins and vitamins in your body. 

They help your body to function properly and give a good blood circulation, which keeps your skin in a good and healthy condition. 

Add some cheese to your salad Cheese in a low quantity in your diet is no harm. In fact these lets your stomach feels heavier faster so that you do not feel hungry for a long time. Hence cheese is an important part of the salad recipes.

Include grilled food items in your salad Grilled food items are healthy and at the same time heavy. So even a small amount of grilled food can give you a fuller stomach as a result you will feel less hungry. 

Include fruits Fruits are really good to cut down your calories. They are refreshing and make your salad interesting to eat. So indulge in lots of fruits and keep glowing. 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Salmon and Spinach recipe


Today I'm  going share with you a  healthy salmon and spinach recipes
this is One of my favorite dinners, 

Can I eat spinach and salmon together?

Salmon is high in protein, which can help you maintain  muscle mass when you're trying to lose weight, but it also contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids that your body can't make on its own. A three-ounce salmon fillet  has 155 calories, 22 grams of protein, seven grams of fat, and zero carbs.

Spinach is packed with nutrients and antioxidants. It's high in fiber and a good source of many vitamins and minerals. Combining salmon and spinach together in one delicious dinner is a great way to add healthy foods to your diet!


I tbsp Sesame oil,
One large salmon fillet 200 gms shredded spinach,
2 tbsp creme Fraiche Juice of half a lemon,
I tsp of peppers to taste, 
2 tbsp chopped parsley,

Preparation - 

  • Heat the oil in a pan and fry the salmon on both sides for five minutes each 
  • until the salmon is golden and the fish flakes. 
  • Place on a plate to rest. 
  • Pour the spinach into the pan and saute for two minutes stirring continuously. 
  •  Serve the spinach on a plate and top with the salmon 
  • Pour the creme Franchise into the pan,
  •  pour in the lemon juice and add the capers and parsley. 
  • Season the sauce as desired.
  •  Do not allow the sauce to boil just heat it through. 
  •  Spoon the sauce over the salmon and spinach and serve with lemon wedges. 

If you are wondering how to lose weight fast, these are healthy recipes you can try at home to lose weight. this recipes is so healthy and tasty. these are best recipes those who want to lose weight fast.These recipes are also ideal for people concerned with how to lose weight fast .

Monday, May 9, 2022

Avocado toast with egg

Today I'm  going share with you a Avocado toast with eggs recipe for breakfast,
Because avocados are high in healthy fats and fiber, an average portion size of avocado toast delivers the right number of calories to leave you full, but not too full. Fiber is known to aid in digestion and can aid in weight loss.

Is avocado toast with egg healthy?

Healthy and nutritious: with the right amount of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, this is the perfect healthy breakfast recipe to jumpstart your day. Easy to make: This avocado toast with eggs is easy to make

The combination of fiber, protein, and healthy fats is filling, satisfying, and provides plenty of nutrition to start your day. Avocados are a great source of potassium, fiber, heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and folate, while eggs provide protein and micronutrients such as choline, B vitamins and vitamin D.

Avocado toast with eggs is one of the  favorite healthy breakfast that come together in less than 15 minutes. Perfect for all age groups, and so delicious.

Avocado toast with egg


2 Eggs One ripe avocado
2 slices of whole wheat toast
Juice of half a lemon 
Salt and pepper to taste


  •  Remove the avocado flesh from the shell and mash it together with the lemon juice.
  •  Season the avocado with salt and pepper as you like. 
  •  Oil a pan and fry the eggs sunny side up as you slightly toast the bread slices
  •  Once the bread is ready, slather it with the avocado mixture 
  •  Place the cooked eggs on top of the toast and serve.
  •  You can have this simple meal with some tea, coffee or juice. ?
healthy foods are those that provide you with the nutrients you need to sustain your body's well-being and retain energy. Water, carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals are the key nutrients that make up a healthy, balanced diet.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Best diet plan for weight loss


 How to lose weight naturally at home ?

Today  I will share with you a free diet plan for weight loss. This is best diet plan for weight loss fast and This diet plan is both for men and women. Simple meal plan to lose weight...I will talk you through all meals of the day giving plenty of options to choose from. Trust me, this diet plan is very practical and if you stick to it you will get great results. 

What is the best diet plan for weight loss?

so the first thing that I would suggest you upon waking up is either you have fat cutter drink, drink a lot of water. Like if you can drink 3-4 glasses of water,that would be great. It will kick start your metabolism which is very essential for weight loss. If you are into drinking indian tea or coffee early in the morning, 

I will suggest you to rather  skip it at this point of time. You can have it later in the day. Coming to breakfast. Your breakfast should be low in complex carbohydrates and high in protein. Low in carbohydrates because if you will have high carbohydrate diet, it will ultimately get stored as fat. Now we also want our weight loss to be in the form of fat and not in the form of muscles. So we will keep protein intake high. So some of the healthy breakfast options could be.

 First is my favorite, customized oatmeal along with 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg. If you are a vegetarian, the only replacement to egg whites that I can think of is, whey protein isolate. It will also make your oatmeal tastier. Second could be chickpeas spinach egg bhurji. Third could be moong dal dosa.  Now, if you are a paratha lover like me,

you can have one paratha without oil along with an egg white bhurji made of 5 egg whites and 1 whole egg. If you don't like bhurji, you can also make an omelette. Or you can have that same paratha along with low fat paneer bhurji. 

Now, how to make low fat paneer? You get skimmed (low fat) milk from outside and make paneer at home. Trust me, it would be tasty, it would be cheap and it would be low in fat. 

Now, because we are talking about complex carbohydrate and I am not including brown bread. Because the so called wheat bread that we find in the market is adulterated with maida. So, I would suggest you to rather avoid it. If you want to have it, you can have it once a week. Another option can be whey protein isolate in milk along with a complex carbohydrate source something like Upma. So, these are quite a few healthy breakfast options. Now, one hour after breakfast and 40 minutes before lunch try to drink at least 1 liter of water.

If you are outside, keep a water bottle handy. If at all you feel hungry in between breakfast and lunch you can have one handful of unsalted roasted peanuts along with green tea or Indian Tea. But avoid sugar. If you want to sweeten it, you can use natural sweeteners like stevia. 

Please remember that for weight loss, sugaris your number one enemy. Coming to lunch. Start your lunch with salad. Now, a salad may comprise of carrots, cucumbers,beetroots, cabbage etc. Not only it will give you the essential vitamins,minerals, fibers but it will also make you a little full. 

This is a great way to eat less. Now after this salad you can have a small portion of complex carbohydrate along with protein. I had recently uploaded the video called "The Almost Perfect Recipe" wherein I had shown the combination of brown rice along with a protein rich source depending upon if you are a vegan, vegetarian, vegetarian or non-vegetarian. I suggest you to check that. Then you can also have roti with a protein rich curry like low fat paneer or soy chunks. Now, you should not have 3 or 4 rotis. Have a maximum of 2 rotis. You can also have a little low fat curd along with it. Now roti with dal is not a great option when it comes to weight loss.

No doubt lentils are high in protein. But if they have 1 gram of protein, they will have 3 grams of carbohydrates. Now combining them with roti or brown rice will make them very high in carbohydrates which will hinder the weight loss process. If you want to have dal, have it with one roti or a little brown rice but make sure you add protein rich source like roasted paneer,grilled chicken or grilled fish. I dunk in 6 egg whites in the curry of dal. This makes it protein rich and balances out the macro nutrients. Then we have already discussed about Chickpeas Spinach Egg Bhurji and Moong Dal Dosa. Those can also be incorporated for lunch. Now again, one hour after lunch and 40 minutes before evening snack, try to have 1 liter of water. Now comes the tricky part, the evening snack. Now this is one time when we succumb to outside food because we do not have healthy options with us. Well, 

I will give you some options. Let's start with simple options first.

  •  First could be a small apple with green tea.
  •  Second could be two handfuls of roasted chickpeas,one handful of unsalted roasted peanuts and green tea. 
  • Third option could be "Makhane" which are also called Lotus seeds along with Indian tea or Green tea. 
  • Fourth option could be boiled chana chaat. Now, I have already shown you how to make sweet potato chaat, you can just skip sweet potato out of it, your chana chaat is ready. 
  • Fifth option could be banana peanut butter roti.
  •  Sixth option could be a small portion of upma oats. Then there are some evergreen options like egg white bhurji and egg white omelette.

 So, these are some of the great evening snack options that will help you stay away from the outside food. 

Now, this diet plan will work even if you don't exercise. But exercising will make the weight loss process faster. And I'm sure you want that. I have recently uploaded a full body workout on the channel. It is a great workout if you want to stay fit and what makes it better that you need not join a gym for it. Now post workout you should have a small piece of fruit along with a lean protein source. If you are a non vegetarian, you can have six egg whites. 

If you are a vegetarian you should buy whey protein isolate. Coming to Dinner. Now all the lunch options that we have already spoken about are very much valid in dinner as well. All you can do is you can further reduce the quantity of complex carbohydrates. So, you should definitely start with salad. Have one roti or a little brown rice along with a protein rich source like low fat paneer or soy chunks. Or you can also include grilled chicken and grilled fish that we have already spoken about.

Now before bed if you feel like having something,you can have half glass of warm milk half an hour before going to bed. If at all you also feel like munching on something you can have just a few almonds or makhane. So friends, that concludes this diet plan. If you are working in night shifts you can still follow this diet plan. Everything remains that same, only the meal timings change according to your shift timings. So friends I hope you found this post..

 Here is best books for weight loss-

1) The best diet plan for weight loss - The Essential Keto Cookbook  

2) Learn How to Lose Weight from Ultimate -Weight Loss Formulas

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Healthy Avocado recipe for weight loss


Today I'm  going share with you a Avocado toast Healthy recipes for weight loss
 is Because avocados are high in healthy fats and fiber, an average portion size of avocado toast delivers the right number of calories to leave you full, but not too full. Fiber is known to aid in digestion and can aid in weight loss.

Simple, healthy recipes for breakfast ?

Healthy recipes for weight loss are quite many. but avocado toast recipe is so easy to make, They are ideal for use in how to lose weight fast. It’s easy to find recipes that will appeal to your taste. Here are a few recipes you can try that will help you lose weight and maintain good health.Eat an Avocado a Day to Lose Weight, Burn Fat. It's Nature's Keto. 

Avocado toast recipe - how to make avocado toast..?


1. One ripe avocado,

2. Two slices of whole wheat toast, 

3. Juice of half a lemon, 

4. Salt and pepper to taste,

 Preparation - 

Remove the avocado flesh from the shell and mash it together with the lemon juice.

Season the avocado with salt and pepper as you like. 

as you slightly toast the bread slices - Once the bread is ready, slather it with the avocado mixture - on top of the toast and serve 

Serve - You can have this simple meal with some tea, coffee or juice...

Here's another easy way to make avocado toast-

( Ripe avocado mash on the thick slices of toast, after that squeeze the lemon on it and sprinkle with salt and pepper as you like)

Serve - You can have this simple meal with some tea, coffee or juice...

Try this healthy  recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner that are easy to cook and healthy for the whole family. These recipes are also ideal for people concerned with how to lose weight fast.  

Check out  more avocado recipes here..>> 101 Avocado Recipes

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Top 5 Best Health care product under 500

Hello Guys! 
Today I'm going to sharing with you a "Top 5 Best Health care product under 500" It is very important to take care of health, that's why I have shared some of the top 5 best health care products, which I have searched, which are very good products and they are also very effective, in a way that will not harm you, 

Here is top 5 products  that go well with your body.... 

Product Details
Nutrition Health Drink for Diabetes Control & Immunity Support Nutrition Health Drink for Diabetes Control & Immunity Support Nutrition Health Drink
  • Manufacturer:Zeon Lifesciences Limited
  • Country of Origin:‎ India
  • Item Weight: ‎ 400 g
  • Net Quantity ‏:400.0 gram
  • Brand:Celevida
  • Item Form:Powder
  • Flavour:Kesar Elachi
Check On Amazon
Girnar Food & Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Detox Green Tea - Desi Kahwa Girnar Food & Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Detox Green Tea - Desi Kahwa Girnar Food & Beverages
  • Manufacturer:‎Girnar
  • Country of Origin:‎India
  • Item Weight:‎90 Grams
  • Net Quantity ‏:‎36.00 count
  • Brand:Girnar Food & Beverages Pvt. Ltd.
  • Item Form:Tea Bags
  • Ingredient Type:Vegetarian
  • Storage Instructions:Store In Cool & Dry Place
Check On Amazon
HealthKart HK Vitals Multivitamin for Women HealthKart HK Vitals Multivitamin for Women HK Vitals
  • Brand:HealthKart
  • Specific Uses For Product:Immune Support, Boost Antioxidant, Healthy Skin
  • Item Weight: 150 g
  • Net Quantity ‏: 60 count
  • Item Form:Capsule
  • Ingredient Type:Vegetarian
Check On Amazon
Natural Fat Burner with Garcinia Cambogia, Green Tea Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract Weight loss product for Men & Women Natural Fat Burner with Garcinia Cambogia, Green Tea Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract Weight loss product for Men & Women Keto Fat Burn supplements
  • Brand:Wellona
  • Specific Uses For Product:Personal
  • Item Weight:80 g
  • Net Quantity ‏: 60.00 count
  • Item Form:Capsule, Powder
  • Age Range:Adult
  • Special Ingredients:Garcinia cambogia extract, green coffee beans extract, green tea extract
Check On Amazon
True Elements Nuts & Berries Muesli True Elements Nuts & Berries Muesli True Elements Nuts
  • Brand:True Elements
  • Specialty:‎Suitable for vegeterians
  • Item Weight:‎1000 Grams
  • Net Quantity ‏:‎1 count
  • Item Form:‎Muesli
  • Special Ingredients:‎Rolled Oats (24%), Wheat flakes (19%), Jowar flakes (15%), Seeds (12.8%- Pumpkin, Watermelon, Flax seeds), Raw Honey (12%), Dried Cranberries (9%- Cranberries, Sugar, Sunflower Oil), Almonds (5%), Freeze dried Blackcurrants, Natural Soy lecithin
Check On Amazon

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Natural home remedies for dry and frizzy hair l home remedies for all hair problems

Hello friends...!

How to fix dry hair?

Best Natural Home Remedies for Dry and Frizzy Hair...  Dry hair occurs when hair does not get moisture,  when your hair feels dry to the touch, they can also become brittle and difficult to style. 
Dust, sunlight, heat styling, humidity, smoking, pollution and more can contribute to hair becoming damaged and dry. 

If you like your hair...? So you need to take care of your hair and if it becomes dry then start using this home remedy to treat it.

Do not spend money on hair care products and medicines and do not use expensive chemical products on your hair because chemical products are very harmful for your hair, it will damage your hair,  

If you want to have silky and shiny hair, there are home remedies that can reduce hair fall by restoring hair moisture. The added benefit is that the increased moisture can also help improve hair health.

Start using natural home remedies for your dry and damaged hair, these are excellent home remedies that can be very effective and helpful for your hair, it will moisturize and repair your hair  at the comfort of your home . 

This home remedy helps keep your hair hydrated, making them soft, smooth, shiny and frizz-free… This natural remedy will help straighten your hair and nourish your hair.
These DIY hair masks are all you need to get long, silky and beautiful hair. You can make these masks at home in no time!

So here are 6 effective home remedies for dry and damaged hair , these natural home remedies  are very easy to make,   these remedies   work as natural moisturizers and conditioners for dry hair, you can do it any time. If  you feel that your hair has become dry and brittle,  

These DIY hair mask all you will ever need to get Long, silky and gorgeous hair. you can do these masks any time at home!

It is very easy to make this mask for dry hair

Try this natural home remedy twice a week to help repair your dry and damaged hair. 

  • 1. Curd and Lemon 

  • Take 1 cup curd, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, mix all the ingredients in a bowl, 

  • Apply the mask on your hair and cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it for about 30 minutes,  wash the hair with shampoo.

  • 2. Egg and Olive Oil

  • Mix 2 eggs in a bowl,  add 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp honey,  apply the mixture on hair and scalp. 

  • Then cover the head with a plastic cover or shower cap for about 30 minutes,  wash the hair with shampoo.

  • 3.coconut oil

  • Massage your hair gently with half a cup of warm coconut oil for a few minutes.

  • Then cover the hair with a warm towel, leave it for 30-40 minutes or overnight, then wash the hair with shampoo.

  • 4.Banana and olive oil

  • Take 1 banana, then mash the banana in a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of olive oil, mix it well and apply the mask on the scalp and hair. 

  • Cover your hair with a hot towel and leave it for 30-40 minutes or overnight, then wash your hair with shampoo.

  • 5. Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil

  • Take aloe vera leaf or aloe vera gel, ½ cup aloe vera gel and 2-3 teaspoons coconut oil, mix it well and apply this mixture on the scalp and hair.  

  • Cover hair with a warm towel, leave for 30-40 minutes or overnight, then wash hair with shampoo.

  • 6.Avocado and olive oil or coconut oil

  • Mash a ripe avocado in a bowl, add 2 teaspoons of coconut oil to the mashed avocado, mix well, then apply this mixture on your hair and scalp. 

  • Cover hair with a warm towel or shower cap and leave on for 30-40 minutes, then wash hair with shampoo.

  • These DIY hair masks will give you silky, moisturized hair,
  • These home remedies, you can do at any time, it is important that you take time every day to focus on nourishing your hair to get the hair you want. 

  • This natural home remedy helps keep your hair soft, shiny, frizz-free and keeps your hair healthy!